Demo Day Startup in Residence EdTech

Demo Day Startup in Residence EdTech

The startups of SiR EdTech pitch their solution and talk about their recent experience together with the educational institutions.

By Startup in Residence EdTech

Date and time

Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:00 - 17:30 CET


Bibliotheek Neude

11 Neude 3512 AE Utrecht Netherlands

About this event

We would like to invite you to the Demo Day of the Startup in Residence EdTech program on Thursday afternoon, March 23 in Utrecht. The doors will open at 14:00 and we will start at 14:15. During this Demo Day the different startups will pitch their innovative solutions for educational challenges and talk about their recent experience together with the challenge owners. Afterwards there will be drinks where you can talk face-to-face with the startups about potential collaborations.

The Demo Day takes place in the "Theaterzaal" of "Bibliotheek Neude" in Utrecht. Once you enter the library, enjoy the scenery and take the escalators to the second floor. Here you can follow the signs that say "Theaterzaal".

It is necessary to reserve a spot for this demo day by clicking on the right. However, it is not necessary to show the QR-code at the event.

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